Our Top 5 Creative Moments for March

Our Top 5 Creative Moments for March

This month we have seen the world transform before our eyes.

In this new creative world, we have seen brands and creative teams excel through adversity.

Here we take a look back at our own creative moments over the month, which include an open letter from Sue Higgs, a creative director who has fought all the way, and a review from Gabi Mostert who asks - when it comes to humour in creativity, are boys having all the fun?

Shoppable Girls was a hard-hitting campaign that brought reality home for Kim Allain, as was the very relatable depiction of a woman's world in the Girls Girls Girls magazine film, fronted by Cynthia Nixon and reviewed by Jo Chappel.

Finally, nobody can escape coronavirus and Oliver Edwards takes a look at the more light-hearted way in which brands responded at the start of the crisis earlier this month.

Here are our best bits from March.

1. An open letter to women in advertising from Sue Higgs, group creative director at GREY London

"Some of this is a creative thing. Some of this is a woman thing."

A personal account of the good old days, the bad old days and how far we’ve come.

Read more here

2. When it comes to humour in creativity, are boys having all the fun?

Campaigns aimed at women tend to be either charming and light-hearted or hardcore and #badass. 

But where’s the comedy? 

Good question from Gabi Mostert, creative director at Iris.

Read more here

3. Do brands need to self-isolate when it comes to the Coronacrisis?

Oliver Edwards looks at how some brands used humour to engage their audiences about the coronavirus.

Read more here

4. Shoppable Girls addresses the hard facts about the sex trafficking of Canadian girls

This campaign shows girls in a shop window to educate passers-by of the shocking truth behind this industry, but was it hard-hitting enough for Kim Allain?

Read more here

5. Be Provocative They Said.

A serious message from Girls. Girls. Girls. magazine

With over 20 million views, this film has got men, women and magazines talking, but is there some irony in where it came from? 

Jo Chappel investigates.

Read more here

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