Cleaner drinking water with the soap that cleans rivers

Cleaner drinking water with the soap that cleans rivers
A soap for cleaning clothes helps reduce contamination levels while maintaining an important social ritual

A soap for cleaning clothes helps reduce contamination levels while maintaining an important social ritual

Chris Bamford, creative director, Kindred

Sometimes communications isn’t the solution.

Sometimes awareness and education can only go so far.

Then, you have to go to the source.

That’s exactly what the AWA soap campaign (by Andea mineral water and Farenheit DDB) did.

160 million people globally depend on untreated water. In Peru - where this campaign originated – hand washing clothes with detergents in water sources was contaminating it before human consumption.

But the act of washing in these rivers was part of a social ritual, so sensitivity was required.

By replacing regular detergents with AWA soap and its probiotic formula they were able to effectively remove 75% pollutants.

Furthermore, they open-sourced the AWA formula for other governments and nonprofits to adopt.

Impactful and considered.


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