Our Top 5 Creative Moments for March

Our Top 5 Creative Moments for March

Here's our round up of the most popular Creative Moments for March.

With the 'B' word dominating our lives in recent times, the campaign group Led by Donkeys takes a more humorous approach to the issue with their billboard campaign damning politicians with their own words.

Claire Bridges talks to 4 women about what it takes to be a creative leader for International Women's Day, and Mothercare's Body Proud campaign also hit a popular note with our readers.

A dramatic and beautifully filmed WWF film urging us to join the fight to save our world stood out from the crowd, as well as the intriguing and oddly engaging Lynx Shavertorials. You have to see it to believe it....

An interesting mix - enjoy!

1. How campaign group Led by Donkeys displayed politicians’ crass tweets about Brexit

Politicians damn themselves with their own words in this simple anti-Brexit billboard campaign, reviewed by Carla Greco.

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2. International Women's Day: Claire Bridges asks four women what it takes to be a creative leader

Claire talks to four of her creative besties about taking risks, who inspires them and what advice they would give others.

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3. Watch this dramatic WWF film and join the fight to save our world

A beautifully filmed ad for the Fight for Your World Campaign could break your heart and change your actions says Tom Lawless in his review of this strong campaign.

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4. Mothercare’s Body Proud Mums looks good, but is it too similar to Dove’s Real Beauty campaign?

There is a lot of pressure to have the perfect body, so full marks to Mothercare for presenting what motherhood really looks like, but fewer marks for originality suggests Daney Parker.

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5. Lynx has the balls to change with the times with its wonderfully strange Shavertorials

James Gordon MacIntosh explores this bizarre and strangely engaging series of films where Lynx takes ASMR to another level.

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