These freer range eggs are clucking genius

These freer range eggs are clucking genius

We’ve all been there.

A brief that, on the face of it, has absolutely no news value and would barely register on the list of dull.

Once, I was asked to promote a loyalty card that was apparently EXTREMELY interesting because it had a new shape. “No, absolutely not,” I said. And then years later, I saw adam&eve’s Harvey Nichols Shoplifters and realised, in the words of Lee or Herring (can’t remember), there’s no such thing as bad subject matter, only bad material. A loyalty card promotion that ends up in a Danny Boyle film. Yes, please.

The FitChix campaign by VMLY&R for Honest Eggs Co. strikes me as starting in a similar way: “Can you tell everyone our eggs are freer range than our competitors’ please?”

On the face of it, not the brief creatives would be flocking to work on. But, as I now realise, it’s these briefs that can actually inspire the best of work.

This new campaign brilliantly and simply combines something we’re all doing - counting our 10k steps a day - and applies it to chickens. Or, literally, their eggs. By stamping the birds’ steps onto the shells.

Now I don’t know if they put little pedometers onto hens (although for once the “making of” ad content would actually be interesting) but however they did it, it’s clucking genius.

It reminds us what free range means (and why it matters) but also makes this brand stand out against others. A great shot for social, a great spark at the shelf. I have no idea whether these eggs are freer range than others, but it makes me think they are.

I love the way this idea takes the product truth, wraps it into the brand and smashes it straight into your decision making. 

Then, reinforces it at the second moment of truth - reminding you that you’ve made a cracking decision.

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