Work Of The Week: House 337 and Austistica point out the challenges for autistic people at job interviews

Simple and powerful.
Just words on this one, and powerful words they are too.
House 337 and research and charity Autistica got together to create this piece of work that reminds us, especially employers, of the difficulties of someone with autism fulfilling the deeply challenging task of a job interview.
Although only just over 100 words are quietly tapped out on a keyboard, the message is deafening.
It begins small - and quietly. The words keep coming and as they do, we begin to understand the story. The words keep coming, they grow in size, and they become a tiny but mighty avalanche of a description, detailing what it feels like for someone with autism to attend an interview.
It's so beautifully done. Subtle. Strong—and refreshing to see something executed so quietly, with only words.
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