What's a good idea worth? Bag a bargain at SHOOK's Black Friday Ideas Sale

Creative communications agency SHOOK has launched a ‘Black Friday Sale’—believed to be the first agency globally to do this.
SHOOK, which already has an ‘ideas for sale’ section on its website, is adding creative campaigns that it says “are too good to go to waste”.
From Black Friday, 29 November 2024, to Cyber Monday, 2 December 2024, brands can buy new ideas from the SHOOK SHOP.
SHOOK co-founder, Gemma Moroney, says: “‘Black Friday’ is usually about selling ‘stuff’, our twist is about selling world-shaking ideas. Sometimes we have great ideas we don’t have a home for and sometimes pitch great campaigns that don’t win. We don’t want any of them to go to waste, so this is a chance for brands to bag a bargain.
"Great creative ideas are nothing if they don’t get out in the world to have an impact. We also hope it will start a discussion about the value of an idea: a lot of the time, agencies are paid for execution but not the idea itself. This begs the question: what’s an idea worth?”
The ideas for sale span opportunities for brands, retailers, charities and campaigning organisations, including:
Young Love
Insight: Valentine’s Day pricing makes it expensive for teens to celebrate Feb 14th with their other half.
Idea: Young Lovebirds Menu: U18's Valentine's Set Menu, so young lovebirds can take their loved one out for a pocket money price on February 14th.
Tooth FQRy
Insight: In an increasingly cashless society, the poor Tooth Fairy sometimes finds themselves without shiny coins, potentially disappointing kids.
Idea: Tooth FQRy. A special tooth pillow with a QR code to pay into the kids’ bank account/top-up card. No more disappointed kids! Possible hook: 28 February is Tooth Fairy Day.
Lady Garden
Insight: 50% of women have an imbalance in their vaginal microbiome (VMB) but it’s not something we know or talk about.
Idea: Lady Garden, bouquets for your bush. A pop-up vagina flora-ist, with bouquets inspired by the VMB, to help kickstart conversations and smash those foo-foo taboos. Give your vagina her flowers! Possible hook: 23 April, is apparently Vagina Day. Who are we to argue?
Diary of a CE-No
Insight: We always hear from the same millionaire/billionaire businesspeople in the media. But what about SME bosses? Together, they support two-thirds (61%) of total employment and around half (53%) of turnover in the UK private sector.
Idea: Diary of a CE-No. We find SME bosses with names the same or similar to famous business bosses and get them to join a podcast to give time-strapped entrepreneurs 360 seconds of wisdom. Possible hook: 27 June, SMEs Day.
A picture of pollution
Insight: Between 3,600 and 4,100 Londoners die each year because of air pollution. As we type, Leicester Square's air pollution is higher than WHO’s maximum limit for 24 hours. Leicester Square, and other tourist areas of London, is known for artists who will draw your picture whilst you wait.
Idea: Picture of Pollution. Let’s set up a free portrait artist, who will draw pictures of people. The twist: they will use charcoal, formed from air pollution to draw the pictures, drawing attention to the need for action. The people sitting first for their portraits will be some of the people most impacted by Central London’s air pollution, acting as media case studies. Possible hook: 7 September, Air Pollution Day.
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Embas-see your team at 3pm
Insight: Football fans are infuriated that they can’t watch 3pm Premier League games on TV, when they are aired in other countries. But an embassy is classed as 'foreign soil'. This means, in theory, that only the laws of the embassy's country apply within the building.
Idea: Brand teams up with an embassy to air 3pm football for fans. Embas-see your team at 3pm. Why not kick it off on the first day of the new season in August?
Be my B-AI-by
Insight: Caring for a new baby is… a lot. You can read all the books and join all the forums, but in reality, when they’re screaming at 3am, you’re on your own. Expert midwives say they can identify whether a cry is hungry, tired, in pain, nappy change needed etc, but are out of the reach of most people.
Idea: Be my B-AI-by. With expert midwives, we train an AI to recognise babies’ cries, creating an app for new parents that’s like Shazam for answering ‘what does this baby want?’. Possible hook: 26 September, the date most UK babies are born.
Parentcare vouchers
Insight: Two-thirds (64%) of people caring for parents are in work. 61% of those who will have to care for parents in the future believe they will struggle to manage financially. Why do we have childcare vouchers but not parentcare vouchers?
Idea: Parentcare vouchers. We can get childcare vouchers, so why not one for parentcare? We’ll lobby the government to introduce a similar scheme for working people caring for older parents. Possible hook: 1 October, UN Day of Older Persons.
Hallow-SEEN Costumes
Insight: The clocks change just before Halloween, meaning nights are darker when kids go trick or treating. Road accidents are at their highest in autumn too—23% higher than in the summer. The combination of dark nights and dark-coloured costumes puts them in danger.
Idea: Hallow-SEEN Costumes, designed with road safety in mind. Think: skeleton outfits whose bones are reflector strips, glow-in-the-dark witches’ brooms, and pumpkin costumes covered in microlite. Together, drawing attention to danger and making a real change. Hook: Halloween (obvs).
No Bed-time Stories
Insight: A good night’s sleep impacts your IQ, mental health, physical wellbeing and more. Yet Barnardo’s data reveals 700,000 children share beds and 440,000 sleep on the floor. How are these kids meant to study, socialise, and succeed if they don’t even have a suitable place to sleep?
Idea: No Bed-time Stories. A series of popular children’s stories where the beds central to the stories are missing e.g. Goldilocks finds NO beds to try, The Princess has to sleep on just a pea, Sleeping Beauty has to sleep on the floor for 100 years. We’ll show how the stories don’t work as well without the beds. Just like in Britain, where approx. one kid in every classroom has to try to work without a good night’s sleep. Possible hook: 20 November, UN Day of the Child.
All ideas are the IP of SHOOK until paid for by invoice, transfer, cash, cheque, etc.
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