Creative Corner: The ‘ForRest’ Room, Valentine’s Slay and Lidl Fashion Week

Hello and happy Friday.
It’s Creative Corner time again so here’s a few recent campaigns that have caught the eye.
If ever you’ve got something you’re super proud of and want to shout about, we’re all ears and would love to feature it - hit us up on the contact details below and don’t be shy!
Sleep, ForRest, sleep
I love a good installation-based campaign and this effort by a Stockholm photography museum is superb.
The ‘ForRest’ Room is a giant indoor forest where visitors can sleep out (in?) for the night and is being used to grab attention for the attraction’s wider In Bloom exhibition.
The museum, Fotografiska, is selling one-night stays amid “lush vegetation” and the “serenity of nature” for about £200 per night - and you get a five-course meal plus breakfast thrown in too.
Fotografiska said the installation was built to coincide with a period of winter where people’s “desire for greenery” is at its peak - and as I write this from cold, grey, bare-tree’d Gloucester, I think they’re probably onto something…

Valentine’s Slay
February 14th always throws up some brilliant creative
opportunities and kudos to toilet paper brand Who Gives A Crap for
wiping out the competition with their ‘Flush Your Ex’ initiative.
You send them love letters from your ex, they print them on toilet roll for you and… you can probably work out the rest.
A great, simple, ‘wish I’d thought of that’ creative campaign.

Middle aisle never looked so good
The middle of Lidl is a wondrous and rarefied place as any regular visitor will know - but home of haute couture it’s definitely not.
Until now.
With London Fashion Week in full swing, the budget brand has had some fun for its latest photoshoot, taking some of those uniquely middle aisle finds and turning them into serious fashion accessories.
The gentle mickey-taking aside, it’s part of Lidl’s ongoing
efforts to market itself to ever more families as the cost of living
crisis goes on, so those middle aisles are likely to be busier than
👕🍳With #londonfashionweek kicking off tomorrow, @LidlGB has unveiled its latest photoshoot, showcasing middle aisle buys in the form of #fashion accessories.
— Grocery Gazette (@grocery_gazette) February 16, 2023
If you’re launching anything exciting over the next few weeks or spot a campaign online that you love please send it our way!
Email, and or you can find us on Twitter @TomGibbon_, @RichLeighPR and @Welsh_PR
Catch you next week.
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