WWF and McCann Germany use Twitter's rebrand to illustrate the rapid rate of extinction

WWF used the recent re-brand of Twitter to highlight the effects of climate change on animals.
The work shows the well-known evolution scale to show the classic Twitter logo evolving to the new X logo, representing the complete eradication of the bird.
McCann Germany's team associated the new logo with an extinct symbol, the X, very much used in cartoon and comic books.
The Twitter Extinction Timeline observes the logo evolution, and by creating a timeline mimics the development and then extinction of a species.
Despite the X being critiqued by many, for WWF's purpose, it was perfect. "It created the right opportunity to jump into the conversation and add animal extinction into this ongoing cultural moment" said Pedro Americo, executive creative director. "The process of its creation, presentation and posting took 24h. Being able to respond quickly is crucial in tasks like this. For us, it’s crucial to participate in the cultural conversation as long as you have something to add, a point of view that creates a new discussion. You need to be agile, but clever and relevant".
Schütze unsere Tierarten, bevor es zu spät ist!
— WWF Deutschland (@WWF_Deutschland) July 28, 2023
Rund 1 Million echte Tierarten sind vom Aussterben bedroht➡️ https://t.co/c8waItKH1a#TwitterXpic.twitter.com/yIoZJ7qCcw
Client: WWF Germany
CEO: Philipp Jahn Executive
Creative Director: Pedro Americo
Copywriter: Antonia Kistner
Business Development: Wiebke Amelung
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