Work Of The Week: Apple uses a lizard playing dead to push its unsend feature

Work Of The Week: Apple uses a lizard playing dead to push its unsend feature

We've all been there.

You promise to look after a pet while your friend is away and you, well, forget. You meant to go round in the morning but you don't get there until later that evening. But it's too late. You screw up. The budgie is dead and it's your fault. No?

Well, in this scenario created by Apple (I'm hesitant to highlight more good work from Apple but it's there for all to see) a repentant friend discovers the inert lizard and has no choice but to own up to his indiscretion. He texts the owners telling them the sad news.

Awakened by the sound of the text, the lizard then jumps up, alive and well. The said friend immediately regrets his text, but thanks to Apple's unsend feature, he can make it all disappear.

What I really like about this is how much Apple have done with so little.

No words apart from the text. Only a couple of visuals. But it tells the story so well and so clearly, all in 30 seconds.

On reflection, looking more closely at the scene, we can identify and relate to the sparse surroundings of the space our protagonist is in; a very tidy, clean kitchen that we all have when we go on holiday. 

I like detail and it feels that this work, although very short, does the job efficiently. Efficiency is not usually something I usually admire but in this case, when coupled with the 'can-you-look-after-our-pet-while-we-are-away' scenario - I like it very much.

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